Intro Music
It’s Andy’s Podcaster Podcasting Podcast… episode 25!
SFX - Andy getting into car with kids, Woody Guthrie - All You Fascists Bound To Lose comes on the stereo.
What’s this song about Daddy?
Erm… Well, it’s about all the fascists, who are bound to lose.
What are fascists?
Well… let’s see… Good question… Its a political system and a mindset, which is to say, a way of organizing the world and of organizing the mind - it has a strong evil dictator as its leader who regardless of suitability, kindness, truthfulness… gains followers who must worship him blindly by promising them various rewards like money and ethnic cleansing… Even though the money or promised rewards never actually materialize… Which is why I always tell you two, watch what people do and not what they say… I guess, as a mindset… it’s people who follow bullies, in part because they don’t want to be bullied and want to bully people themselves. It’s a sort White colonial gangsterism. It’s outlined most effectively in the book The Authoritarian Personality by Adorno, Marcuse et al. which I think was best summarized by the SpongeBob SquarePant’s episode, erm, ‘Larry the Floor Manager’. Do you remember that one?
It’s the one where Mr Krabs goes on holiday and leaves Larry in charge and he turns the Krusty Krab into a gym… ?
He lives in a pineapple under the sea! Who would live in a pineapple?
Yes Well - the Authoritarian Personality identifies the fascist mindset as people who long to bend the knee to hyper aggressive, toxic masculinity, that glorify the military and fake national and ethnic mythologies. It’s people who chose fear rather than love. Or like Larry - forcing people to build muscles for shady paranoid purposes rather than enjoying the simple Epicurean pleasures of the Krabby Patty… It’s choosing to buy guns and bombs and giving three quarters of your towns tax dollars to the police rather than investing in schools and hospitals and our communities…
Like Trump.
Yes… Right. Good. Yes. We are living through the rise of a virulent plague of Fascism at the moment. But, you know it’s not just Trump, although he is the figurehead in the evil dictator role… he does have a lot of collaborators… on all sides Wall St, the media, the church… it’s important we see him is a symptom of much wider social decay. Christianity in this country has been nurturing a Fascist White Supremacy problem in this country for a hundred years…
Can you put Taylor Swift on now?
In a minute… let me see… OK OK OK… You’re seeing a lot of Fascists in the films you’ve watched over the summer… they are most of the bad guys… lets see… from The Lion King - Scar the Lion who seizes control - is a dictator with an army of Hyenas - basically fascists. It’s really problematic that Scar is painted black by the way. Ok Errr…
Yes. Good. Harry Potter - Lord Voldemort - an evil dictator spreading lies and fear and winning supporters by promising ethnic cleansing of Muggle Borns - all Fascists. Star Wars - The galactic Empire under Evil Emperor Palpatine - Fascist, The First Order in the sequels… - … The Blue Meanies in the Yellow Submarine.. oh remember Indiana Jones - all the Nazi’s that got their faces melted -
Hey! That’s not true. We just had the MOANA soundtrack in the car for like three years. Anyway… you know who wrote the original version of SHAKE IT OFF? This guy - Woody Guthrie…
No he didn’t!
‘Cause players gonna play play play play play and Haters gonna Hate hate hate hate hate…’ He was singing about fascists.
You’ll see, she’ll write ‘The Machine Kills Fascists’ on her guitar next week and it’ll blow your mind…
No she won’t.
OK, maybe, but a young pop star you like will do that in the next ten years and you will know that it is a good thing to be Anti-Fascist and that they are copying one of my old crusty Skeleton Men.
SFX - Music out
It’s 10.50 AM
Hey, how you doing? Been a little longer than I expected to get this one out. Ugh. It’s been hard lately to get my shit together, which is terrible because I got a bunch of new listeners having having been featured on the Podbean website in August… Apologies for the delay and thanks to the few of you who have checked in and prodded me along. But yeah, it’s just been tough to get stuff done… The podcast I’m reviewing has been a hard listen, then there’s all the life stuff… traveling back from summer camping expeditions, then launching right into Zoom school with the kids - which you know - on the one hand it’s good we have good teachers and great school system and everything but it does have me hovering as tech support, punch bag, snack bitch, constantly nearby - so I’m in a sort of like an airport waiting room attention span type half life… you know you try to get stuff done but it’s a six and eight year old in Zoom school, a lot of the first week is trying to get them to manage breakout rooms and building their screen time attention spans. But I know I shouldn’t complain too much… Jen’s around too but she’s teaching her classes online and has a mad schedule of faculty meetings and is also trying to keep up with her deadlines… so yeah, there’s been all that and… and my brother Carl is sick in the UK, and I’m really worried about him, can’t visit him of course… and then there’s all the constant big picture bullshit, in society and the world… But what can you do? I’m just one middle aged dad, doing my best… Anyway, the days fly by and I’m exhausted and all I can do is listen to a Podcast or two to review later… What else. We got a covid test the other day. The infrastructure around here has finally kicked in, we got a drive through nasal swabbing, negative test result in 24hours. Which means we can ‘rebubble’ with our friends Caitlin and Andrew and Azalea and welcome their newest addition, baby Indigo! Welcome to the world little man. Can’t wait to meet you!
Music - rise of the black centipede - Mario rom’s interzone
Its… Review… Time… Mmmmmwahahahahahahahahahahaha
Today I’m reviewing Coronavirus Central, a podcast from a guy called Tod Kaczynski. There were a lot of Corona Virus podcasts popping up since the pandemic hit, from about January onwards. Thriving in the insane Trump chaos - you know, with him calling it a democratic hoax and nothing to worry about even as they shut down Italy. So the Pandemic Podcast bandwagon reached its peak about April into May… And this show achieved some very early success and got a bunch of followers and listeners over the first few months. In fact - At one point this show was listed ahead of Podcasts from the BBC and NPR in the Health and Wellness category on Apple Podcasts - which is still where most people get their shows. Good work Tod Kaczynski right? Well, the problem is that he’s a White Supremacist wanting to create about a White Ethno State encompassing the North East corner of America called New Albion.
CLIP - tod kaczynski - new Albion project
HAHAHAHA THEY HAVE A FLAG! The Pines and Lines… these fucking rightwing snow flakes, with their other flags stuffed in their back pockets like all those Confederate Flag losers and traitors. Deeply unpatriotic. HAHA I know, it sounds nuts right? And his podcast journey on Cornavirus Central - encompassing 87 goes from episodes about the virus and he digs into various scientific papers from around the world and show titles are ‘Symptoms and Syndrome’ and ‘Looking at Autoimmune Dangers’ but then after thirty or so episodes the titles become ‘The Fires That Burn’ and ‘The Dragon and The Eagle’ and he starts emptying his head of all his Alt right Nazi jibber-jabber… It’s would be more funny if we weren’t in the place we are now… poised on the cusp of Four More Years of Trump and if we weren’t in this place you would be right in thinking - Who would fall for this? This is America - our very identity is based on being Anti-fascist, and as far as I’m aware, it’s still actually a question on the Visa application to get in the country… ‘Have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the Nazi Government or Germany’… Much of our industrial wealth came from a war against fascism, most of our founding principals and freedoms are very much against a strong man leader who would seek to gain power by spreading lies and persecuting minorities…’ Ah shit. What has happened America? Well, Trump obviously. Sowing chaos and releasing the worst in people. The GOP finally ripping off its mask and going full fascist and managing to cling to power despite losing elections to the popular vote, due to a rigged gerrymandered system and the reality of money making us a corrupt plutocracy rather than a democracy. And so we get scum Stephen Miller, an outspoken white supremacist with proven links to alt right organizations running the White House. Separating refugee families at our border, putting kids in cages, forcing women to be sterilized and using the Department of Justice to argue that it does not have to give soap or toothbrushes to the children in the cages. And remember we are a Christian country, so they say. And I really do believe them. And then you have Facebook and Twitter suddenly dominating life and allowing themselves to be totally swamped by Nazis and troll farms to the point whereby they are to all intents and purposes the modern day incarnation to the DER STERMER… the Nazi newspaper that built the Holocaust in the minds of Germany’s white working poor. Just what the fuck has happened? It’s a tsunami of ignorance and malevolence ushered in by Capitalist extremism and corruption at every level. It’s Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire stuff. And this podcast, Coronavirus Central - is a key symptom of our decay. The fascists are on the rise, FBI has identified them time and time again, as the number one threat from domestic terrorism. And it has been noted in many articles across the news spectrum that they are using the encouragement and chaos from the Trump GOP, to grow their ranks and step up activity. I will link to articles dealing with this in detail in the show Transcript. So do check that out. So, this podcast Coronavirus Central… is a real sneaky piece of shit. Because the one thing these Nazi loving freaks know is to hide their poison in very calm and appealing packages.
Clip - Tod - all lives matter - ‘stories you’ll never see on the news media…’
And you know why you don’t see it in the news… because it didn’t fucking happen. It’s a racist fear-mongering myth… And I’ve looked, I’ve deep googled - You know what you can find - you can find easily faked and debunked videos littering White Supremacist hate sites that live in this alternate reality where White people are the victims… as if we live in a world where it is black kids going into white churches and killing people or black guys with AK47’s driving across states to kill people at protests and being hi-fived by the police… welcome to Trump’s very fine people. Who will lie through their teeth to tell you Black Lives matter is the equivalent to the KKK. Really - The only evidence you will find for this video - that only he has seen - are well debunked doctored footage that appears on Republican facebook and QANON sites and all the various nasty little alt-right breeding grounds. I’ll link to some of them in the transcript. These kind of lies are so fucking nasty, it’s the same shit that had the German people believing Jews were the embodiment of Satan. And although Tom does attempt to sound bipartisan at times, casting his net of lies as wide as he possibly can he is nothing if not a student of Nazi history…
CLIP - Tod sharing knowledge of the Nazis.
He does pretend to be a scholar of history in the classic Aryean Brotherhood way, fawning over Goebbels and ever eager to predict with relish a fearful rise of leftist and communists on the rampage against god fearing white Americans. So, he says over and over in the Podcast that he’s just trying to help people and help people stay safe and get their families to ‘a safe place’ and early in the show he even handedly presented scientific information about the virus, cashing in on the fear and uncertainty and presenting himself as an honest broker but as you listen, he then slowly and surely starts to spread misinformation, ultimately claiming that it was a manmade attack, so we should - by implication throw our chips in with Trump and a military response against China. He takes a pure fascist view of the Govt as having it’s primary concern being the process of legitimizing certain from of State Violence, echoing the message of the Taliban’s founding manual - The Uses of Savagery. He also argues that the whole country is about to split into balkanized blocks, with lack of resources and widespread looting and anarchy, but hey - he’s up at midnight, polishing his Iron Cross and he just wants you and your family to be safe, and, you know how should you be safe? Well, it turns out, what you should do is buy some guns and drive up to join him in his New Albion! It does sound crazy but like I say, he sings a siren song, as Goebbels taught him - with the best lies being concealed in truths and for many episodes he just slowly reads articles from established truthful publications to appear to be conducting a fair survey of information available and he hides his agenda well, slowly and obviously building a bridge into his world, fabricated wholly out of hand chosen and moulded bricks, carefully ignoring all contrary information, to carry you home to his PINE AND LINES - a Brave New World, taking over the states of Maine right across into the Adirondacks and even snapping off chunks of Canada…. Yeah, So who is he? Well prior to inventing himself as a coronavirus expert and deep thinking Nazi historian he was the Town manager of Jackman Maine and he was forced to resign in 2018 after he revealed his true heart as a White Supremacist trying to build a weird militia backed Ethno-state on social media…
Clip Tod - resignation from job for being a nazi
Incredible. I really just don’t get it. This fascist mindset, that thinks the nation was built on the benign sweat of European farmers and not on Genocide and slave labor. These easy, self serving lies, as old as the idea of a white Jesus in a Bible that is supposedly the epitome of morality but somehow does not say slavery is wrong. Yeah we white people are somehow the best, most superior race… and yet also we are somehow being easily beaten, cheated and subjugated. Which is it? Maybe our superiority was based on the ugly cheating and violent exploitation of other races and the natural world. Maybe that is not the right path to be on morally or sustainably for our species as a whole. Maybe we gain more peace and happiness through equality than pursuing and perpetuating oppression. In the past 20 years they’ve bailed out WALL STREET 3 times totaling Trillions of dollars. The Pentagon wastes billions of dollars on wars of occupation and unnecessary military equipment. We could be a country where no child goes hungry, where their is good housing and medicare for all. Where their are jobs in the community for everyone to be able to take part with dignity in building our society. Simple choices, stop letting the mega-rich and the corporations divide us and take the resources out of the earth that need to be conserved for our great grand children and their great grand children. Gain a perspective of grace in our all encompassing family of humanity. As white people, we have not been enslaved, we have been the enslavers and we need to accept that with grace and ask forgiveness and trust that reparations and reorganization will suffice and not revenge. It’s mad, when you hear people like Tod talk about White Rights…
There is a lot of pain and self hate in the fascist mindset because it involves a lot of cognitive dissonance, the problems that arise when you hold two contradictory ideas in your head to be true at the same time. That stalled not kill and a man dying and saying I can’t breath while being killed by a gang in the street is murder except when the cops do it and then it’s somehow justified. That the rich deserve their place because of hard work but the fact that they themselves are not rich is down to Govt oppression and immigrants stealing their jobs. Many of these new Alt Right Nazi’s live in Red States with entire swathes of their families on disability benefits or maintained on farms by insane billion dollar agriculture subsidies but yet they are the first to complain about poor people in inner cities getting food vouchers because it’s the only way they can feed their families because working two jobs for minimum wage doesn't cover the rent… Dude, Tod Kaczynski - you’re right, in one sense this country isn’t working for you. Because It’s not working for most of us. It’s not working for anyone really, and with Climate Collapse bringing fire and hurricanes and dropping tick covered moose dead on your Maine doorstep, yeah… you’re also right that it feel likes the end of the world as we know it… and it’s clear to see we are definitely at a crossroads. And you’re right. You’re not rich. If only you could own slaves, that would probably help you right? So what do you do. You make a podcast where you talk like Elmer Fudd because you can’t afford to see a dentist about the gaping hole in your front teeth that makes you look like a Meth Addict. So, The Coronavirus Central Podcast gets - zero stars, no thumbs up, a Zieg Heile, a twilight zone… if only he could wake up as the character played by Vic Morrow in the Movie - a racist push through time first as a Jew in the Holocaust, then as Black Man hunted by the KKK… and lets see a William Joyce. (Germany Calling) the US born briton who became Lord Haw Haw for the Nazi’s and broadcast fascist propaganda during the war and was hanged for it by Antifa forces of Britain and America.
Music - rise of the black centipede - Mario rom’s interzone
sfx- radio static - Coronavirus Central Spoof.
Michigan seems like a dream to me now… I know you’re worried about all the science and stuff… just grab your family and be safe… and you can only be safe by getting guns and coming to join us in Maine… we’re building a new world, just for the likes of us… just for the likes of us, just for us… and I know there might not be any dentists, but we’re nice people, nice white people, with guns and errr we got Bibles… we believe in the white magic Jesus so you know we’re nice people… you know… we just get a little scared of the black folks…Fox News is telling us they’re going to come and kill us…and they’re dangerous…
I’m empty and aching and I don’t know why…
So come and join us in this world we’re building, we’re going to take over Maine and Vermont and bits of Massachusetts we quite like and errr there’s not many people in the Adirondacks but they’re with us, the ones that are there in the cabins… year round, living on bits of moss and bark and things…they’re with us, they’re the true Americans… there’s going to be a lot of police here…
The young men of the new German Reich, welded into a new war machine…
There’s going to be a lot scared policemen, running away from the Black folks… so come, come to New Albion, and we’ll all be together!
I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone - if possible - Jew, Gentile - black man - white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost….
The airplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal brotherhood - for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world - millions of despairing men, women, and little children - victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.
To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish…
Sfx - radio static - impeached trump coronavirus lies mix feat Gil Scott Heron - available as an animated video here.
Is there anything more revolting and mendacious than a Trump Eulogy? Herman Cain there, dead from the virus, the mishandling of which amounts to criminal negligence… we are the only country suffering this many deaths. Over two hundred thousand, at least… is this what he means by making America great? Probably ah the great days of the Spanish flu, congratulations. And if you look at how badly we’ve handled it compared to other countries, not just Canada and Germany and New Zealand with their ungodly free public health systems… I’m talking South Korea, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya… tells you all you need to know about White Supremacy right there.
Music - Everything is Permitted - Mario Rom’s Interzone
That’s a wrap… if you enjoy the show, please spread the word, and leave me a review on itunes. And if you really want to help, click the link and buy me a coffee for a couple of bucks! The Jazz is provided by the amazing Mario Rom’s Interzone. I don’t know who’s providing your jazz, but I think you should switch to these cats! NEW ALBUM OUT SOON - check the link in the show notes and on the webpage. ANDYS PODCASTER PODCASTING PODCAST is sponsored by the American shoe council over 30,000 years of Bi-pedal History. Shoes! How else you going to protect your feet? Have a great week… bbbb-bye…