Drama Pods I
Intro Music
It’s Andy’s Podcaster Podcasting Podcast
It’s Ten Thirty P.M.
It felt like it had been a long week and it was only Monday…
MUSIC - Blue Velvet by Mario Rom’s Interzone
Jen was out of town with work - so I’d been doing the solo parenting thing - they are 7 and 5 now so it’s a lot easier than it has been but it’s still intense. Sierra is getting school homework, I have to supervise or everything will end up covered in glitter and probably shaped like a hat - and Blaise is very resistant to cleaning up after himself, particularly after he’s gone full Tasmanian devil around the house and it would take a long time to get things back in shape. Anyway, the kids were finally in bed, happy, warm and peacefully sailing to the land of dreams… and I, well, I should have been working on the podcast but instead I was just sort of bumbling around, in a sort of ADHD recreational time fritter… I was having a little whiskey… and passively following some twitter funny threads growing up around hashtag OKBoomer… and the radio was on… and I was also flicking through the latest edition of Juggling the Void - The Magazine For Nihilist Street Performers - it was the Holiday Special and I’d just read an article on Jewish Satanists and the problems they face - like if you turn Chanukah candle upside down it just looks like a rake… Those Jewish Satanists have if tough…. And then it happened…
SFX - emergency alert - radio
Radio Announcer
This is a Public Safety Alert… There has been an emergency recall of all LEMON ASSIMILATION Personal Hygiene Products across the District and Maryland and Virginia… If you or a family member have been exposed in the last six months please contact emergency medical services. Symptoms may included - Aural and visual hallucinations, anxiety, euphoria, skin pigmentation, blood clots, hearing loss, ball ache, nip dangle, temporal spast-e-sis and rapid ganglion growth abnormalities.
Rapid ganglion growth abnormalities…
If there are any lemon assimilation personal hygiene products left in your home please place them in a fire proof container and store in a safe, dry and secluded area away from children and animals. Contact the EPA hotline at 888-694-7211 to arrange for safe pickup and disposal.
Fucking fuck. My mind reeled… store in a fire proof container… out of the house. I was suddenly aware of the smell. Lemons. The house had smelt like lemons for months now. I’d smelt like lemons for months… How toxic was this stuff? The bathroom was down the hall, next to the kids rooms. Seek medical services in case of exposure? Did they mean if any got in your eyes or mouth or was it just any contact at all? What about smelling it? I began to search on line… and clicked through to a video of a orphanage in Michigan… there was a room full of kids, gathered around the shower gel in the fire hydrant container that we had… their eyes were yellow, some of them had strange yellow growths coming from their necks… some of their heads were puckering somehow in shape… OH MY GOD. NO… a man strode into the room and picked up the hydrant of shower gel… It was too much…I ran to the bathroom… ripped the thing off the wall and rushed outside… I went to the shed. There was a plastic bucket in the shed. It would have to do for now. My hands fumbled at the padlock. DAMN. What if the kids… what if I… I put it out of my mind locked up the shed and went back into the house… What was I going to tell Jen? I finished my whiskey and called the night nurse helpline for our Medical Insurance… in the past few days I’d noticed a strange hard lump forming on my neck near my right collar bone…
Music - Rise of the Black Centipede - Mario Rom’s Interzone
Its… Review… Time… Mmmmmwahahahahahahahahahahaha
Reviewing four drama podcasts today - FOUR SHOWS with a sub- theme of being all being bought or even made for TV… We are in a new ‘Golden Age of Radio drama’ according to the Chicago Tribune, LA Times, Washington Post etc etc so goes a number of other articles remarking on the Podcasting boom as it relates to some shows that have been picked up and transferred to TV… which is apparently a thing everyone in the golden age of radio drama would want, yeah, I know it doesn’t quite make total sense, well - sure because - video killed the radio star before - I guess and the suffocating hierarchy of money or something. But the thing is - We are actually in a Golden Age of Radio Drama and Podcasting but not quite because of the shows they are going to be pushing on you through all the new top pick drama lists you may read in the mainstream media… and actually perhaps a little more - because of the drama shows I’ll actually be reviewing next week. But Today, we need to start with Limetown, since that makes most chronological sense in current drama history… Limetown is a Podcast from Zack Akens and Skip Browkie from Two Up Productions… and it came out in July 2015 and it benefitted hugely from the Podcast Listener surge that occurred when This American Life’s - Serial Podcast happened, and these Limetown guys did a really smart thing - they brought out their show and listed it in the apple podcast directory as ‘True-Crime’. A brilliant move, it’s up there with Orson Welles not announcing War of the Worlds as a Mercury Theatre radio play when it first went on air but just continuing on from the news broadcast that went before and comfortably sounding like the hokum news-spool of the day. SO people - a lot of people went - ‘oh I like Serial - that made my commute better - it was deeply thoughtful and considered work of journalism - such a refreshing change from all the regular news I’m being served up these… so what’s next, maybe something else real and an engaging a deep dive… maybe another true crime investigation show and then wham - right there they clicked on the Audio Drama - Limetown… and suddenly they’re listening to a very decent first few episodes of a NPR type sounding reporter, this time a reporter called Lia Haddock from American Public Radio not National Public Radio and she is began a news investigation documentary show that is supposedly researching the weird overlooked disappearance of more than 300 people at a cult like neuroscience research facility in Tennessee. So, the protagonist reporter, voiced impeccably by Annie Sage Whitehurst, heads off trying to uncover the truth that is out there… And from checking out the reddit threads and fan groups of the time in 2015 - there were actually a fair number of people asking in the early period, - 3 or 4 episodes in, whether or not Limetown was a real event. And IS LIMETOWN REAL is one of the top google hits you get even today… And the first few episodes are pretty good but…honestly I don’t know what people are smoking because it’s very clearly audio drama untethered from reality- there are just some very credulous people out there, I blame the church for making people incapable of telling clear fact from fiction, but you might have your own ideas, but obviously - if you’re implanted at birth a big sacred lodestone of gibberish and have to spend time developing and juggling the cognitive dissonances it’s just easy to stop juggling and thinking and believe any old bollocks. So, anyway, big props to creators Zack Akens and Skip Browkie for forming Two Up Productions and slam dunking big time with the old War of the Worlds Trick Drama Play. And the show itself - the first season anyway - is well produced, well acted with good sound design but after the first few episodes it starts to unravel script wise… As the show explores this creepy cult-like Limetown research facility and it’s aftermath and the discovery of hitherto unheard from disappeared survivors. It’s a lot like X-files, and very much a retread of the Dharma Initiative from Lost with a similarly shaky - drip by tedious drip secret - discovery - revelation and begin again mechanic. And it actually descends into a manipulative cliff hanger discovery conspiracy drama pretty quickly in which Lia Haddock stumbles about without any journalistic credibility and quite mysteriously into meetings with supporting characters who have a few minutes either side of a commercial to deliver their schtick before reluctantly delivering a bit more information on the secret MacGuffin that, if you’re interested and hooked, you’re wanting to find out about… you know the routine - it’s like… I’m supporting cast number 4, I’m a Black Store front preacher, I drink moonshine and have kooky take on the Gospel… No wait I’m supporting cast number 5… a crazy woman on the run from things I can’t explain… but I can give you next frustratingly vague clue about the MacGuffin… the Gold is in the the Urgh - the gold is in the … the gold is in the…’ hehehe… Anyway, the first season of Limetown was a big hit, but then they succumbed to the popular and trending Marvel Universe playbook - whereby it is totally acceptable these days, when you can’t be bothered thinking up good plot, to just suddenly out people as having magic powers. And they did another smart and savvy cash generating thing - they produced a book - and hardcore pushed it as being key to understanding what’s a going to go on in Season two — and about this time, the Reddit threads on the show start to tank with people buying the book and realizing it’s a hot mess and they’ve been a bit cheated on the original story because - spoiler alert - magic powers - and Lia Haddock isn’t a journalist like Sarah Koenig at all because this has become a sloppy cliched drama and now she has the magic powers of dream prophecy. So what happened - season two hit, and they sold the show to Facebook Live TV - whatever the fuck that is - starring Jessica Biel - whoever that is - but we’re supposed to be impressed because again I don’t know - TV - MONEY. We’re all supposed to impressed by money and fame, since we live in a Plutocracy. I honestly don’t know Jessica Biel - she’s probably very good but I do hope they took care of their original actor. SO Limetown it’s a hit show that you will hear about. And it rightly has it’s place in Podcasting history and the future Podcasting Hall of Fame. Well done everyone involved and best of luck making TV. So - Limetown gets 5 stars, no thumbs up just because they didn’t follow through with the quality and people are bit pissed at that and some Cash and a secret…
SFX - cash - a secret
Next up is Homecoming from Gimlet Media - ok so I’ve reviewed one from Gimlet before - Ballad of Billy Balls - and while I am going to be trying to throw more light on the great - smaller independent productions - FREE CONTENT PROVIDERS OF THE WORLD UNITE! - I feel I’ve got to cover these big shows, the movers and shakers - to try and be part of the conversation as I’m just getting up and running myself. And they are important pieces in the Podcast Firmament. Sorry. So, anyway, when I was at the Podcast Festival in Austin a couple of the head honchos at LIBSYN - one of the oldest and most well established Podcast Hosts there are - were very scathing of Spotify buying Gimlet Media for what they considered a ridiculous 230 Million dollars… I didn’t quite understand their take on it tbh and I think a bit jealous that Spotify threw another hundred million acquiring Anchor too - one of their hosting platform competitors… while their share price is bumbling along and their share holders are getting restless hoping they get a blowout acquisition windfall. So Lets see… Spotify buys Gimlet for seemingly silly money, 230 Million - OK - I think we need to take a moment and just try to conceive what that cash is… because it’s important to not fall in to the trap of just mindlessly flipping off these numbers… because it’s a form of hypnotic domination by the Plutocracy not to really think about these numbers, So - 230 Million dollars - it’s about the same as our military spend guarding the oil fields of Iraq in one day or it’s the yearly wage of four thousand teachers at the national average or ten thousand teachers from Mississippi, West Virginia or Chicago… Yeah it’s a lot, 230 Million - if you’re the NRA flush with Russian attack money trying to destabilize the USA… it’ll buy you about 23 republican senators for a couple of years - remember links to everything I say in the show transcript - SO yeah - it’s a lot of money or not depending on if your buying teachers or bombs or Senators - but I will say the purchase of Gimlet by Spotify is clearly starting to prove a good investment in terms of quality content. So - The Gimlet Story also owes a debt to the Serial Listening boom too - because I think most of their capital in terms of downloads comes from their True Crime show Crimetown. That again was a true crime show riding the crest of the Serial wave. Fast forward to Homecoming - their first scripted podcast, which began in 2016- with a rockstar cast - Katherine Keener, David Schwimmer and David Cross, and Amy Sadaris. And The sound design is excellent but what puts it up above LIMETOWN right away is the script quality by creators Eli Horowitz and Micah Bloomberg. They really give the narrative time to grow, and the they play to the audio medium’s strengths by setting a lot of the action in tense and funny phonecalls and messages. It’s drama - so it’s two people arguing, which is one of the easiest ways to engage while moving a narrative forward. And they don’t overuse cliff hangers - like Limetown and all the TV cable dramas that have to engage them endlessly so that you won’t switch channel when the CAR and Steakhouse advertisements kick in - so it’s definitely more of a HBO experience and this show has been bought too and has made the crossover and gone on to Amazon - which I’m guessing has a better production esthetic than Facebook Live, at this point in anycase. The show itself is about a shady company experimenting on returning war veterans and I’m not going to say anymore because I don’t want to spoil it, in case you want to give it a listen. Because it wouldn’t be a waste of your time if you chose to do so. But rest assured, it doesn’t lead you up the garden path and mug you with Magic Super Powers, or by suddenly pretending it’s all a dream. But if you do listen - and I think this is key to enjoying audio drama - please curl up with the show in the dark, it may get a bit lost in the car or at the gym. There are two seasons, 12 episodes total- and - Homecoming… gets - 5 stars - 2 thumbs up, a sound of returning war veterans being killed during the bonus riots outside the Whitehouse in and a Judas - because they are so pleased with themselves to have sold a show stacked with TV stars to a TV company that they’ve basically put out a third season of the podcast just to advertise that it is now TV show…
SFX - bonus riots newsreel footage & Dylan judas heckle
OK next up is Gimlet’s second foray into Audio Drama. The show is called The Horror of Dolores Roach and, are you guessing the theme - it’s already in production to make a TV crossover… which is going to be interesting because a lot of what makes this podcast good are really the strengths of the podcast radio medium itself - the theatre of the mind, is a richer screen than the one projected on a screen and then in through our eyes. I’m guessing the TV show - will have the name and the general Sweeny Todd theme but they are not going to be allowed to go to the places the Podcast goes. For example. None of the bizarre sex as told in this Podcast can make it on TV as graphically as it does in the Podcast. So the show follows the arrival of Dolores Roach back home to New York City after a 16 year stint in jail for selling weed and she arrives home from this egregious incarceration to find herself alone, in a very altered and gentrified neighborhood without the proverbial pot to piss in. And even the drug she was incarcerated for is now everywhere and gentrified by White people like a very sick joke. Fortunately, she finds a sympathetic former weed client in the last vestige of the old neighborhood - an empanada shop and the owner Louis - gives her a little space to try and get herself together… and so it begins. It is a wonderful spin on the Sweeny Todd story tackling gentrification and the cultural cannibalism of White Folks and you embark on a very gruesome descent into actual cannibalism that becomes a sort of joyous rebellion at times, because you’re kind of happy with some of the folks that end up in the mey loco empanada… Personally, I’d prefer it if they’d have targeted Trumpian New York real Estate Moguls rather than the rich Jewish money-lender types that they do chop up and eat, but then again I’m just super-sensitive to stuff like this as our Nation is descending into full on Nasification and the racial hate crime index is at an all time high. It is written and directed by Aaron Mark and the lead is played by the superb Daphne Rubin-Vega, if her voice was a drink it would a luxury aged mescal drunk from a crystal goblet in the shape of Mark Twains skull… and it’s just great to hear her wonderful expressive voice in your head. And the story has a lot of straight up monologging but it’s solid and well written and the sound design is superb as I’m now expecting from a Gimlet show… Seriously, the score by Allison Layton Brown is an absolute thing of beauty, it doesn’t intrude, it’s definitely in the background, but it really builds and adds to the show perfectly, a spine-tingling heartbeat bass riff that is interlaced super spare and seductive percussive moments. It’s exceptional. Every episode begins with a warning about adult sex and violence and you almost brush it off after the first nicely paced opening episode but NO this show gets into some sick and freaky shit people. It really uses the intimacy and freedom of the podcast medium to go where other media can not go, so listeners beware - but if you like horror in all it’s forms, this is a must listen, in the dark, under the covers. The Horror of Dolores Roach gets 5 stars, two thumbs up, some Mystery Meat and a saucy jack…
SFX - frying mystery meat - spinal tap - ‘saucy Jack’.
OK, last up is Blackout - now - this is a weird one, and maybe kind of depressing for Podcasting as a whole - it hasn’t made the jump to TV yet but I think it’s clearly sees itself as the next show that will. In fact its a total Frankenstein production - an unsold TV script that has been cut up and rejigged in a Los Angeles chop shop and shackled to Super Star to provide an engine of ‘likes’, ‘reviews’ and ‘attention’ in the algorithm driven free content marketplace. The star in question is Mr Robot - Academy Award winner Rami Malek. Why would he do this? I don’t know. Can’t be any shortage of options for him - I will say it does look at first like a choice role, and the demands and cheapness of Podcast turnaround probably were appealing and I’m guessing he’s probably been given a piece of the Podcast Production company chop shop that is attempting this daylight robbery… by that I mean trying to grab some of the big Podcasting Cash Pie that is being thrown around. Not the only ones, I suppose theirs nothing necessarily wrong with that in a Capitalist Extremist Culture. Once Free Content Providers of Podcasting start earning a bit of money from advertising, the establishment will use all the tools at their disposal to hoover it up and keep it to themselves. Overall, I’m not sure on the arrival of Stars on Podcasts - as with everything it depends on the work - super glad we have more Ron Burgundy from Will Farrell - not so much interested in looking in Paul F Tomkins fridge - though I’m a fan of his stuff. I guess if the work they are doing has artistic merit and heart then awesome - but if they are just trying to spam the marketplace with their brand then they should just fuck back off to TV. I mean - that Sir Ian McKellen podcast where he’s taking calls from people trying to guess what he is??? I love Sir Ian - he’s a great actor and actually the most famous person to have come from my small home town but what he’s trying to do I don’t know. It’s like a one sided version of charades or something. Madness. I hope it isn’t the first signs of dementia, he is getting on a bit the old boy, and I know he had trouble when they forgot about him and left him improvising with the Balrog he couldn’t see for three days on the digital green screen room while they were filming The Fellowship of the Ring… I don’t know, Ok, so, back to Blackout, the Podcast is the story of a Classic Rock DJ on a community radio station in upstate New Hampshire who gets shot at for some reason minutes before some kind of actual luddite coup against the power grid covering the whole of the USA. Hence the show’s title. So - he’s shot but maybe not that badly - yes the bad writing begins very early with frustrating lack of specificity that they can get away with in the visual medium but is just bizarre in a sound drama. And he’s obsessed with trying to stay on the air, on this rock station for some reason, since he’s fucking clueless and has no information or particularly charismatic radio skills to speak of, but he has stereotypical family drama to navigate amidst The Blackout - in a Rick Grimes is injured but must try and go to save the son who is camping in the dark and scary woods! Again, Yeah, the thing about those injured hero exerting last ounce of energy to get to the McGubbins is that they work very easily on TV, because they can be sold quickly as a visual thing. They work on TV because we can see the blood and the exhausted strain on the hero who might pass out at any moment, how do you do this in a radio drama - you need a narrator or constant clunky prompts from the supporting cast, or maybe You Just Don’t need to tell this tedious story over and over. Or a least that’s what TV is for. What also helps with a bit like this is establishing the hero’s credentials as a hero, which they also didn’t bother to do here so you’re thinking - why is this independent radio DJ pretending to be in John McClane from Die Hard? Have they missed something or am I listening to a TV show that is happening elsewhere in another room and I’m just supposed to imagine the bad TV show out of all the other bad TV shows they figure have already populated my head? The saying is that a picture is worth a thousand words but that’s only true to someone who has a big vocabulary to begin with and if the culture has become illiterate and dumbed down to the point of ignorance then I suppose this can pass a worthy piece of drama. And it’s also like the script forgets he’s been shot in the first episode, it’s really quite funny really - a least once or twice a show they have to remind you the listener and almost themselves that he was shot. It’s clear that it was made for TV - it’s script writing 101, you’ve got to have you’re inciting incident by end of page one or two… and so you get random characters bringing it up not quite sure why and he is in injured but not too injured just injured enough to do the Rick Grimes heroic struggle walk now and again. SO yeah the Blackout continues, but the owner of the radio station quite fortunately is a survivalist, and has a huge cave of supplies, batteries and also a generator so they can stay on the air. I mean, what a colossal pile of bollocks, nobody is listening to this fucking station, I can tell you that right now. And you have another crop of stock supporting characters - just like Limetown - like number 8 - Suspicious Woods Hermit with Traditional Christian values as pertains the gender roles or supporting character 9 - Canadian Female Mountie on border who is really nice but will shoot you because she has her orders damn it. AND this show adds to the offenses of Limetown with heavy handed moralizing of what community values should be in an age of Trump wall building with the town actually deciding somehow to build a wall itself and walling itself off from the world and a bizarre and badly sketched out national movement of Anti-tech Luddite Libertarians, who presumably want the wall to keep all their ridiculous hammy New England accents and ideas bottled up until they will presumably Live Free and Die. Now I’ve spent some time in New Hampshire, not in the town of Berlin, a real border town where this show is set - but I’d be pretty insulted if I was a resident there, and they probably will be once the glow of Star Shimmer from Remi Malek has worn off. And the moralizing is utterly surface, it basically it boils down to let’s try and not be Nazi’s - which is something, I suppose, as we are living through a serious Nazification moment, but of course its just surface, it doesn’t go deep enough to actually attempt to understand or challenge the wealth inequality, the dominant Plutocracy, the urgent need for systematic reform of the entire justice system due to blatant racial bias. And just when you think the writing can’t get anymore cliched and empty it descends beyond the level of the worst daytime TV soap opera - with character arc revelations like ‘Remember the time we went to the hockey game in Peterboro dad and you didn’t even come to watch me play!’ Screams angry White kid standard supporting actor 4… So will this work? Will this hasty bid to try and recycle an unsold TV script into a podcast to use as a sneaky backdoor to try and get it made into the TV show, they always wanted it to be? Oh - yeah of course it will - the Star Dust of Rami Malek has already blown it to the top of the nominee list in iHeart Radios best Drama podcast awards. The generated Twenty Thousand positive reviews on Apple in just a couple of months - if they are legit and not bot farmed from Poland. And the writer is already going around saying things like - ‘Writing for podcasts is very different that for TV’ No Foolin’ but you clearly haven’t got a clue about it. This is probably the most annoying thing for me - they they will as George Saunders puts in his brilliant essay The Braindead Megaphone - ‘Put an intelligence ceiling on the Party’. That’s the fear I think, that shows like this will come in and take over and put a intelligence ceiling on the Podcast party…. But you know, I actually wish them all the best - I wish they actually sold it to TV straight away or Hulu or facebook live or whatever then I wouldn’t have had to spend time with them at all… So - Blackout - 1 star, no thumbs up, slow hand clap, and some dubious anachronistic free-style moralizing from Joe Friday from Dragnet…
SFX slow hand clap, dragnet Joe Friday speech
Music - Rise of the Black Centipede - Mario Rom’s Interzone
Sfx - radio static - jacques brel - ‘jackie’ - radio static - Richard iii does Lana del Rey’s ‘videogames’ - radio static - news report on two million dollar fine and closure of trump foundation -
So the President bone spurs has been convicted of stealing money from Veterans via his fake charity and then literally days later they - the Trump crime family with all their goose stepping Republican enablers were out doing their Remembrance Day - photo propaganda opps - without any actual mention of this blatant theft from Veterans.
Sfx - radio static - intro music - Mckellen’s millions episode clip ‘I am not a wizard’ - radio static - ‘ok boomer’ Chloe Swarbrick in New Zealand Parliament 11/5/19 - radio static - ‘1212’ - laughter.
Ok, I was just recently heckled and called a boomer at a stand up gig. I’m not a boomer - as I explained at the time, I know looks can be confusing, I like Jazz and sometimes wear a Fedora and I can actually afford two drinks at the bar… just about. But I would like to on record and say I’m Generation X, I know, It’s confusing. They don’t really teach history anymore. But the generational epochs don’t go Boomer - Millennial - Civil War Soldier - Ancient Roman - Caveman - there’s a few more Generations in there. Also, let’s not get carried away people - thinking that all boomers are bad… There’s lots of great boomers out there - David Bowie was a Boomer, Jane Fonda is a boomer… it’s probably like with Lawyers - you know, it’s the 99% that give the 1% a bad name. And remember Boomers did get onboard with all the new Technology - but it was Mark Zuckerberg - a Millennial - that force-fed them the Russian Propaganda that turned them into Climate Change denying Nazis… It’s not a Generational debate we need, it’s a Class Consciousness debate, don’t talk politics over Thanksgiving dinner talk Economics, talk cost of education vs opportunity to own a house and start a business and afford healthcare… Talk about the return on the investment for the cost of the education. The Gig economy. Bankruptcy laws that favor the wealthy but shackle a debt burden around our necks for the rest of us. Talk about Jane Fonda - she just moved out here to DC and has been deliberately getting arrested outside the Whitehouse in the Fire Alarm Friday protests… four times so far, and she was recently joined by Catherine Keener, Ted Danson and the Ben and Jerrys guys. Yeah, bit of circus, but at least it’s action. Better use of their celebrity that the usual adore me fame spamming bullshit most of them get up to. It’s important. Boomers, using their time and wealth to get on the street and try and change things. Boomers sitting in their retirement homes in Florida on medicaid shrugging their shoulders that 70,000 immigrant kids have been locked up at the border and held as income generators for Trump sponsoring Private Prisons. It’s possible they don’t know. But we can’t get sidetracked into generational in-fighting. That’s what they want and they are very good at it now, boosting the most divisive aspect of your imagined tribal identity to distract you from the actual causes that unite us… Killing and eating the rich….hahaha… You know we are at a point in time where retweeting the depressing and distressing facts of our time and arguing with people online isn’t enough. If you are inspired by the civil rights movement - Then live up to it. There were a lot of people who gave up a couple of years of their lives to be Freedom Riders on the buses in the south. Got cracked ribs from KKK Police Forces a bunch, spent a few nights in jail. But they won, took on the Jim Crow Segregation policies head on, put their bodies on the line. I’ve met Freedom Riders, yes they were so scared they thought they would shit their pants but they did it anyway. AND WHAT A LIFE. WHAT STORIES. WHAT TRUE HEROES. Better than sitting in Starbucks surfing the meme culture. It’s time to exercise the First Amendment rights now, they can’t lock us all up… Anyway… that’s a wrap…
Music - Everything is Permitted - Mario Rom’s Interzone
Reviewing more drama shows next week… Do you think I was too hard on Limetown and Blackout? If so drop me a line - head to the website - www.andy’s podcasterpodcastingpodcast.com and if you like what I’m doing, want to help out, you can buy me a coffee… link on the website. Very worried about what Jen’s going to say about the Shower Gel when she gets back. I’ll make sure the kids are OK, of course first and foremost… then get the stuff picked up from the shed ASAP… The Jazz is provided by Mario Rom’s Interzone - I don’t know who’s providing your Jazz but you should think about switching to these cats… Andy’s Podcaster Podcasting Podcast is sponsored by the American Shoe Council, over forty thousand years of Bi-pedal history - Shoes how else you going to protect your feet… Hedge, buddy, I’m really sorry mate, give us a call… it’s silly… Have a great rest of your week. Catch you later. BYE.